Access the deepest levels of relaxation
I know you are doing the most, striving to be the greatest version of YOU, and I know that sometimes you are stressed and exhausted by it all. But, just for a moment, let’s imagine your world becoming even just a little less stressful? A world where you wake up feeling a little happier. A life where you come home with enough energy to do something for YOU. What if I told you that sound healing and movement are the catalysts for that world becoming your reality?
We all have heard that moving your body keeps you strong and improves your mental health, but achieving less stress by laying down and listening to crystal alchemy singing bowls? That sounds BOGUS! Trust me, I was skeptical too…
And then, I experienced a Sound Bath and EVERYTHING changed.
On demand
Slow Down. Chill Out.
Transformation Through Sound
So, what is sound healing?
Do you listen to music?
Notice how when you listen to a Pop song, you experience a little pep in your step? If you were to switch to Death Metal - what do you think you would feel - probably a bit of chaos, right?
Well, Sound Healing works a little like that in that I play crystal alchemy singing bowls that create a physical response of relaxation and presence. When these bowls sing together, they guide your body's vibrations to sync with theirs into a state of deep healing, similar to what happens in the deep sleep cycle.
Why is this important?
You live in a world where stress, hustle and change are the constants in life. These energies can cause ALL sorts of ailments, from lack of focus to anxiety, tight muscles to low quality sleep. But let’s be real, these energies are not going to just disappear. So, rather than trying to completely remove them, why not learn how to better manage your response to it all?
With a consistent practice, sound healing can alter the way you respond to stressful situations. By training your brain and body to slow down & chill the f*$% out, you will become more grounded and more confident in your ability to manage the chaos of life which will in turn decrease your stress and increase your happiness!

What to expect
Guided discussion and meditation to unlock your mind
Grounding breathwork practice and a light sequence of movements
A Unique Experience
No one Sound Experience is the same and varies person to person
Options to lie down or stay seated while you listen to the sound
Comfortable clothing is a must —you’ll want to be relaxed and able to move…have layers nearby
A blanket or yoga mat to lie on — it’s important to feel grounded in your space
A small pillow for your head — the more relaxed you are, the more receptive you’ll be to the session
An eye mask to block light — it is easier to tune in with no distractions
An open and willing attitude — this is the easy part, all you have to do is chill
Relaxed — your mind and body releases all tensions and stress
Dreamy — you may slip in and out of consciousness, a portal to your dream state
Sensitive — lightness or heaviness, tingling or stillness
Buzzy — certain bowls’ vibrations may linger across your body
Sleepy — you may fall asleep but not to worry you are still receiving ALL of the benefits
Euphoric — a happiness that will linger for days
Recharged — a new sense of empowerment and energy
Grounded — a decrease of anxiety and stress
Present — a calm confidence rooted in the now
Zen — a welcome pause in your thoughts and body